Contact & Donation
AGHK executive committee members are volunteers and members joining our association are free. Most of our income comes from donation. We therefore welcome any donation to support our geoconservation works. If you are interested to donate, please send a crossed cheque, payable to “Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong” with “donation” and your name, contact phone number and address written on the back of the cheque to our captioned address OR you can also deposit the donation to our account with The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd., account number “640-018784-001” with the deposit receipt, stating “donation” , your name, contact phone number and address emailed to An original receipt will be sent to you acknowledging your donation. For Hong Kong citizen, our donation receipt could be used to apply for tax allowance. If you have any queries, please contact us at
Email: | |
Postal Address: |
Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong
Rooms 1001 - 1003, 10/F., 345 Nathan Road , Kowloon , Hong Kong |